May 22, 2008

Resources for aspiring architects

I got a comment from Bogota on Studying is In-Part 1 post. He/She is planning to pursue a post degree in architecture in Tokyo--sounds awesome.

I'm answering his/her questions by posting this article because it's easier for him/her to read and get information than commenting him/her back--links are not hyperlinked in the comment section.

If there's anybody out there working in the field or learning architecture in Japan, please help Bogota with his research on universities, staff, programs, etc.  

Hi, Bogota,

Thanks for your comment! I know a Todai graduate who has master's degree in Engineering, but his speciality is robot engineering, not architecture. Unfortunately, I don't know any architecture-oriented people among my friends and coworkers, so I did some research for you instead.

You may be interested in these universities:

Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
You can email them at

Tokyo Institute of Technology
You can contact their International Office at

Waseda University

Nihon University

I also found a list of blogs of architects and students learning architecture. I'm not sure if they speak English well or not, but you may want to contact them.

Tadao Ando, Riken Yamamoto, and Kengo Kuma--as you probably know, they are one of the most famous Japanese architects (even I know).

Tadao Ando
His works include:
Fukutoshin line Shibuya station
Omotesando Hills
He used to teach at Todai, but it seems he no longer teaches there.
The University of Tokyo

Riken Yamamoto
His official site
Mr. Yamamoto teaches at Yokohama National University

Kengo Kuma
His official site
Mr. Kuma received Energy Performance+Architecture Award 2008, France.
He teaches at Keio University.

I've just written a post on my Japanese blog talking about your questions.
If anyone comments on that post, I will let you know.

Hope these will help you :)
Good luck with your research and post graduate degree program!



Bogota said...

Wow, Karen, thanks!
That is certainly a step forward in my search. I`ll check out this sites you`ve posted.
The geidai as I said is one of my targets but the more the better, so i`ll do some digging about the waseda and nihon.
The blog-index looks also quite juicy and although my Japanese reduces to men-kote-do, i`ll try some links to see what comes out!

Again, muchas gracias!!

About your pics, I like them. I`m not that good a photographer and sadly my pics focus mainly in architectural stuff, which could be quite boring for anyone but archis, and I say sadly because I tend to lose the chance to picture simple and beautiful things like a child`s smile or a cherry tree in full blossom.
I think you should post more of your pics!

See ya!

Karen said...

My pleasure, Bogota!

Thank you so much for your compliment on my photos.
I just love capturing beautiful things.
I'll try to post more so that you might get some idea of what Japan looks like.

Good luck with your learning Japanese too!
I'll planning to talk about useful expressions and kanjis later. :)